
Electric Circuits and Electron Devices

Author: G.Thilagavathi

Original price was: ₹280.00.Current price is: ₹252.00.

Electric Circuits and Elecron devices is a comprehensive text book written and designed for the First year B.E./B.Tech. students, as well as for second semester ECE, CSE, IT and Biomedical Branches of Anna University.

ISBN 978-93-80170-13-8
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Author G.Thilagavathi
Table of Contents

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Electric Circuits and Elecron devices is a comprehensive text book written and designed for the First year B.E./B.Tech. students, as well as for second semester ECE, CSE, IT and Biomedical Branches of Anna University.

Electronic Devices and Circuits, deals with the study of basics of electronic components and applications of electronic devices and circuits such as passive components, diodes, triodes and transistors, rectification and power supplies, amplifying circuits, electronic instruments and oscillators.

Illustrated examples are discussed to emphasis the concepts and typical applications are given and chapter contain short questions and answers to get complete knowledge on the content.

This book is written for aspiring professional and technician engineers in the electronics industry also.